2025 Strategic Plan
The 2025 Strategic Plan sets a course to reach new heights of excellence through three broad and mission-centered strategic directions.
Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Expand experiential learning opportunities for all students.
- Enhance training, support, and recognition for all who provide instruction.
- Enhance infrastructure and support for evidence-based teaching methods across the curriculum.
- Promote academic access and success for all students, with particular consideration for underrepresented, rural, first-generation and other underserved students.
Growing Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- Provide resources, support, and incentives to nurture a diverse and inclusive culture of excellence in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
- Promote collaboration among academic units and between these units and external organizations to drive interdisciplinary research and commercial activity.
- Align the human and physical capital of the University to expand the research enterprise and fuel innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels of the organization.
- Enhance communications about the University’s strengths in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship and the impact of those activities on local, state, national, and international communities.
Strengthening Partnerships With Communities Across Georgia and Around the World
- Increase collaborative, community-focused research, scholarship, technical assistance, and training in Georgia, across the nation, and world.
- Strengthen UGA’s role in economic development across the State, with a particular emphasis on underserved communities.
- Broaden opportunities for students to engage with the diversity of communities in Georgia and across the nation and world on locally identified needs and issues.
- Develop high-impact global partnerships that engage and support UGA areas of research and service excellence.
- Strengthen communication regarding how UGA sustainably supports and benefits communities through research, teaching, and public service.
The University community has endorsed a bold vision for its future, and this vision can only be achieved through thoughtful, coordinated, and collective action across campus.